A downloadable game


This version of PAGAN has been scrapped. Download available below:

This is an unfinished prototype build of PAGAN, September 28 2023.

This project has been put on hold indefinitely.
Thanks for checking it out

-JG Roos


P - Switch between First Person and Third Person

WASD - Movement

Space - Jump

LMB - Shoot

RMB - Slowmotion

1-4 - Weapons

Shift+Tilde - Console

Console Commands:

restart - restart the level

freecam 1 - switch to floating spectator camera

freecam 0 - turn off spectator camera

botcam - switch to random AI spectator camera (pretty cool)

rain - force rain weather

raincountdown - display how long till rain starts

rainlifetime - display how long it will rain

hitscan 0 - turn player bullets into hitscan

hitscan 1 - turn player bullets into projectiles

meatgrinder - player does 1000 damage to AI hitpoints

explicit 1 - enable gore (on by default) (on restart)

explicit 0 - disable gore (on restart)

decals 1 - enable player bullet decals (on restart)

decals 0 - disable player bullet decals (on restart)

ai decals 1 - enable AI bullet decals (on restart)

ai decals 0 - disable AI bullet decals (on restart)

rollercoaster 1 - switch to rollercoaster camera (only if in area!)

rollercoaster 0 - turn off rollercoaster camera

fog 1 - enable volumetric fog

fog 0 - enable shitty fog

fog -1 - disable all fog

For more up to date info visit either of these sites:




PAGAN Prototype - September 2023 290 MB


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cool retro

I personally can't wait to see what you do with this!

Thanks man! Hope this one gets done and that there are no technical hangups going forward lol

Will be keeping my eye on this! Loved CARNAL!

Will be watching eagerly!